Music was adapted, composed, and improvised by Doug Lila and Jay Weaver. I read from “Mirror Words.”
These are the headbands I made for each flower that appear in “Hardly Opera.”
The performance was for “Freily ausgefranst. Translingual Poetics” with Johannes Goransson, Latasha N. Nevada Diggs, Sawako Nakayasu, and Urayoan Noel—curated by Uljana Wolf and Christian Hawkey.
Installation of a Book: DMZ Colony
at daadgalerie, March 11 - 25, 2020
Oranienstrasse 161, 10969 Berlin
“In early March, Choi set aside her writing to mount an art exhibition in the gallery of the German Academic Exchange Service, her fellowship sponsor. The show (which closed early due to the COVID-19 pandemic) was an adaptation of DMZ Colony, whose images and "anti-neocolonial" ideas were now flung into three-dimensional space. Enlarged book excerpts and two long, scroll-like paintings—the original blue women—hung on the walls. Photographs and cut-up words sat in a glass display case. At one end of the oblong gallery, a cluster of white hanbok dresses of various sizes, sewn from traditional mulberry paper, or hanji, stood on a pedestal, stiff like ironed ghosts. They were lit up by a rectangular projection of one of the bilingual orphan letters. I’d been struck by these garments months earlier, when I saw them casually propped on a mattress in Choi’s apartment. In the space of the art gallery, they took on heft. “ E. Tammy Kim, “Long Division,” Poetry Foundation